

Got a Mobile Computing LS800...kinda between a cintiq and a tablet, but the best of both worlds.

One's just gone through some color correction in pshop w/a vignette and fake dop applied.


learning about extract

never really understood extract before...i think i'm starting to understand >:)



Tree (screen grab in Zbrush), then a render in Maya...normal and texture export.


Bar from the latest COD: Black Ops

Bar from the latest COD: Black Ops...this is the 1st real level and I just remember thinking, this would be good practice to rebuild it...WIP...if I ever even finish it.



new ipod touch

gotta get a cintiq...


ipod touch painting

2 pieces completed on my touch 2g.


CAD sample

Some CAD samples for possible job prospects.



Frame started in Maya, no UV's, etc. just testing scale as well....but this is Maya to UDK, it's possible...and no lighting from Maya, UDK engine is all about Radiosity...well give and take, but works great, just wish double siding and maybe a way to really update like goz from whatever package to UDK would be really nice.


Softmod blending

Trying to figure out the best way to build my shapes for my character's face. Here's a quick playblast of some thrown in softmod's animated...I don't know if there's an issue if some overlap their area of influence.


New Zbrush Zsphere Pumpkin

So kinda the pumpkin guy I've done way too many times, (not shown on here), following some google images of anatomy and trying to work up in terms of detail...build the big shapes first, when no more detail can be done, then you divide...rinse and repeat....here's my effort for today. Oh and transpose seems to be giving me better results now that I'm getting better at masking further and not leaving the Zbrush default transition(ing). Arms and chest/torso next, head maybe different shape, texture and render a scene w/him.

Facial animation start personal

So this will be my first (topology correct) facial animation. Next is UV's, then starting the shapes, not dreading that too much, I feel pretty prepared actually, is this slowly getting easier? ha!


Obrother with animation

Just decided to throw in some poses to express the dialogue...okay i guess...20 minutes or so blocking in...


Zbrush new

Getting back into Zbrush, yet again...can't believe I used to raise my nose at the package.

Obrother scene

I'm getting more and more used to mental ray and just rendering in maya...it's somehow always seemed distant compared to some other packages...anyway...just thought i'd render the whole clip...just messing around w/the character and learning about lip sync...blah blah blah


Blake free rig-walk cycle

Found this one through the 11 second animation club...Jason Baskin is the author...

Eye pupil test

testing the dilation of an eye setup...this is the 2nd type i've done and it's a different setup than the 1st...kinda...

Veins need to be worked on and given more of a noticable bump map...also the iris color has a bump applied to it by accident...it's way off from the real thing.


Digital painting update

Just some odds and ends...


Dobbie Lipsync practice

Audio is from O Brother Where Art Thou?


Following a Seegmiller tutorial from one of his books...never knew how to get that "canvas" type feel/look til now...doesn't seem to work with all brushes; but it's a cool technique.


New still...

Another old idea for a painting...just trying to see if I can get a good composition and color block in with 3D...maybe an hour and a half modeling, texturing and lighting....for fun...


AS Effects

Overpass test render w/some Alien Skin effects...


Caricature WIP

I've been seeing a lot of caricatures lately, so I'm working on one...just winging it...I also find I'm going back to Maya to retopo...it's just easier for me right now...this was maybe a few hours due to me messing up symmetry somehow and having to start back w/an earlier model...Does Zbrush loose stroke symmetry if you hide, say just one eyelid?


Dobby Rig

Man I've been lucky finding this one...use to drool over the modeling tutorial by http://www.3dm3.com/tutorials/maya/dobby/

Actually not lucky just nice to find a cool rig someone put a lot of time into...
Audio is from Zombieland...




Been working on a few...

Squirrely update

Some cleanup of the 1st jump in a series of 3...


New squirrel ani

New ani...just blocking in and starting to break down. I'm still going to polish up some of the other ani's and I've got a few other ideas...need to check out 7 second ani site.

Started this project over

Needed to brush back up on ZB...such an awkward interface compared to everything else...I guess once you get it down though and use it everyday it's not a big deal.



I remember always wanting to make a painting of an under/overpass...just saw a painting of one and thought about using maya to visualize...google has tons of pics as well...this is a quick start.

Meg and Darkness update

Did some sculpting on both...messed around w/a texture for Darkness but gave up...

Don Quixote update



Another oil piece I'm about to start...just not happy with the reference lighting...so I'm building stuff as I go...the head is from the Don Quixote piece and so is the hand...built one finally and will use that over from now on...same with the current head, (might build a new one)...this is giving me a quick way to model w/out feeling the need to get detailed...kinda like a quick sketch...

Bike Fall

Working on an oil piece of this...didn't like reference material so again I'm building my own in 3D for lighting purposes...these are both default settings in maya.

Matt Pucino Final

This is what's going on part of their bike team jersey for Matt Pucino KIA.


Juggling ani

New juggling ani based w/footage of myself for reference...(i know how to juggle).


Don Quixote Start

DQ Start in 3D...we'll see how this goes...


New squirrel animation test-backflip

Just wound up creating a nurbs circle to control the flipping...Don't know if there is an easier way maybe?


Dynamic hands

Starting some tutorials on dynamic hands and feet...this one is digital (Painter) I've got simultaneous sketches in my actual sketchbook...

Project for my brother-in-law

Matt Pucino was in my brother-in-laws Special Forces unit and was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan...they have started a cycling team in his honor and over dinner one night asked if I would give the design a shot....The original design is first, his picture, then my attempt...combination of Illustrator/Photoshop.