
Superfuzz Car

Here's the car so far, it's made up of multiple objects so the only part using the original cube is the main body...I could take or leave it, their design; but the reward is learning alot about the software.


New piece

My brother & his girlfriend's dogs...Bernese Mountain dogs...

Pym update

Small update...moving the dog...


Car start

Just showing the basic shape of the car from lesson 1...I won't post alot of progress on this one but you'll be able to see the start and end next to each other.

Finished modeling/texturing

Here's the end result for the character...



I like the idea...don't know if I have the patience to make "hair" work...this was playing around with the "squirrel" shader.



Sub Surface scattering was first...UV layout...then export to Photoshop and paint the UV's. However, I can now go into Bodypaint and paint on my 3d mesh, instead of a flat set of uvs...so I may want to consider redoing this step just to have gone through the motions. Also being able to paint your bump maps in there would be cool. We'll see.


Finished with modeling

That's it for modeling...UV layout/texturing is next.


Self portrait update

Learning more about brush technique, dry brushing , glazing, etc.