
CAD sample

Some CAD samples for possible job prospects.



Frame started in Maya, no UV's, etc. just testing scale as well....but this is Maya to UDK, it's possible...and no lighting from Maya, UDK engine is all about Radiosity...well give and take, but works great, just wish double siding and maybe a way to really update like goz from whatever package to UDK would be really nice.


Softmod blending

Trying to figure out the best way to build my shapes for my character's face. Here's a quick playblast of some thrown in softmod's animated...I don't know if there's an issue if some overlap their area of influence.


New Zbrush Zsphere Pumpkin

So kinda the pumpkin guy I've done way too many times, (not shown on here), following some google images of anatomy and trying to work up in terms of detail...build the big shapes first, when no more detail can be done, then you divide...rinse and repeat....here's my effort for today. Oh and transpose seems to be giving me better results now that I'm getting better at masking further and not leaving the Zbrush default transition(ing). Arms and chest/torso next, head maybe different shape, texture and render a scene w/him.

Facial animation start personal

So this will be my first (topology correct) facial animation. Next is UV's, then starting the shapes, not dreading that too much, I feel pretty prepared actually, is this slowly getting easier? ha!


Obrother with animation

Just decided to throw in some poses to express the dialogue...okay i guess...20 minutes or so blocking in...


Zbrush new

Getting back into Zbrush, yet again...can't believe I used to raise my nose at the package.

Obrother scene

I'm getting more and more used to mental ray and just rendering in maya...it's somehow always seemed distant compared to some other packages...anyway...just thought i'd render the whole clip...just messing around w/the character and learning about lip sync...blah blah blah


Blake free rig-walk cycle

Found this one through the 11 second animation club...Jason Baskin is the author...

Eye pupil test

testing the dilation of an eye setup...this is the 2nd type i've done and it's a different setup than the 1st...kinda...

Veins need to be worked on and given more of a noticable bump map...also the iris color has a bump applied to it by accident...it's way off from the real thing.